
Welcome to the women’s circle of Oslo!

I am dedicating this website to spread the beauty of sisterhood and to build a community around it in Oslo.

You may be wondering: what is a circle?

Is this something for me?

You’re in the right place.

A time to listen to your intuition, your feelings, and honour what is present. It is a time to let yourself be seen through the loving eyes of other women.

What is a women’s circle?

Women circles have existed for millenniums. In many different cultures, often under the light of the full moon, tales, stories, and ancient wisdom have been shared. 

Together women have celebrated the different rites of passage: the first menstruation, birth, or menopause. By cultivating the different aspects of the feminine such as connection, intuition and openness, women have acted as the change agents that have brought their communities together.

The geometrical shape of a circle is powerful: each person can see all other participants, everyone is at the same level, there is no hierarchy and energy circulates freely.

In the last decades, women have again started to gather in circles as a way to reconnect with something greater, to remember their self-worth and to celebrate the power within.

A circle is a place to get in touch with yourself. Your entire self. A moment to reconnect with your body through deeper breathing, gentle movement, dance, and chant.

The power of sisterhood

“Sisterhood” means an unbreakable bond of acceptance, support, and love shared among sisters, no matter their flaws.

When a woman lets herself be seen exactly as she is, when she allows herself to express her emotions, to shine or cry without apologising, implicitly she opens the door for all the other women to do the same.

The circle is a safe place where every woman is seen and accepted as she is.

Not only do we welcome all women, but we celebrate and encourage the originality and uniqueness of each and every one of them. A women’s circle reminds sisters to treat each other as allies rather than competitors.

How is a circle organized?

There are as many different circles as women on this planet. Each one is unique, because it is composed of the energy and contribution of each member. My circles usually have two phases.

The first is dedicated to rituals such as: welcoming ritual, gentle movement, dance, chanting, one-to-one exchange, guided meditation, and breathing exercices.

The second phase is dedicated to sharing. Every participant gets the opportunity to share something. We practice active listening with an open heart. In everyday life, we do not often find ourselves in situations where we listen without being expected to give an answer. This is a very powerful practice that must be experienced rather than explained.

I have experienced over and over again that sharing personal life stories and speaking with an open heart can not only be a gift but also a source of inspiration for the ones listening. 

What can I expect to experience in a circle?

Reconnection with your inner self

Allowing your emotions to flow

Recenter yourself

Increasing your consciousness

Being present to your body and your needs

Meeting, sharing and connecting with other women

Breathing, feeling, sharing and chanting

“I want us all to grow so comfortable in our own feelings, our own Knowing, our own imagination that we become more committed to our own joy, freedom, and integrity than we are to manipulating what others think of us. I want us to refuse to betray ourselves.

Because what the world needs right now in order to evolve is to watch one woman at a time live her truest, most beautiful life without asking for permission or offering explanation”

— Glennon Doyle

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